TShark is a network protocol analyzer. It lets you capture packet data from a live network, or read packets from a previously saved capture file, either printing a decoded form of those packets to the standard output or writing the packets to a file.

TL;DR; using TShark to monitor WiFi traffic and list MAC addresses around you:

$ tshark -a duration:16 -I -i en1 -Tfields -e wlan.sa 2>/dev/null | sort -u

Installing TShark (OSX)

  • Download and install Wireshark package from wireshark.org.
  • Installer will create various symlinks in /usr/local/bin.


First, let’s check what kind of interfaces we can use (this is what I get):

$ tshark -D     
1. en0 (Ethernet)
2. fw0 (FireWire)
3. bridge0 (Thunderbolt Bridge)
4. en1 (Wi-Fi)
5. p2p0
6. en4 (Thunderbolt 1)
7. lo0 (Loopback)

Basic usage:

$ tshark -i en1

This will keep on printing data to STDOUT. Stop it with ctrl + c. You’ll get even more data if you add -I (capture in monitor mode) parameter:

$ tshark -I -i en1

In monitor mode WiFi icon will change from:

Captured traffic viewed in Safari


Captured traffic viewed in Safari

TShark produces huge amounts of data. We can use different output format to make it more readable (-T pdml) and and capture only 10 packets (-c 10):

$ tshark -I -i en1 -T pdml -c 10 > captured.xml                                                  
Capturing on 'Wi-Fi'
$ cp /Applications/Wireshark.app/Contents/Resources/share/wireshark/pdml2html.xsl . 
$ open -a Safari captured.xml 

This will open Safari with human readable version of captured.xml:

Captured traffic viewed in Safari

But we can do much more in the command line, for example scan network for 16 seconds and print all spotted WiFi MAC addresses:

$ tshark -a duration:16 -I -i en1 -Tfields -e wlan.sa 2>/dev/null | sort -u

You can paste them into OUI Lookup Tool to do a reverse lookup of manufactures. List of all available fields listed in the wireshark documentation.

Alternatively you might do it in command line as well:

$ tshark -a duration:16 -I -i en1 -o column.format:'"","%rhs"' 2>/dev/null | sort -u

If you’re curious about additional parameters, here’s the explanation from explainshell.com. You might also like to check: column formats.

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